Corporate Social Responsibility

Playing our part

Health, Safety and Environmental Policy

The prime responsibility in the operations of Blue Planet Shipping is to provide safe and healthy working conditions and to maintain a safe operating practice that complies with national and international regulations and relevant standards and guidelines.

For the protection of people and business we must all be committed to a continuous improvement of our safety activities.

In order to achieve this objective, our Company has developed a safety management system to comply with the IMO’s International Safety Management Code which:

  • provides for safe practices in ship operation and a safe working environment
  • assesses all identified risks to our ships and personnel and establishes appropriate safeguards
  • continuously improves the safety management skills of personnel ashore and aboard ship, including preparing for emergencies related both to health and safety.

We will ensure that the necessary resources are made available and, in order to confirm that our objectives are being met, we will:

  • maintain high standards of safety consciousness, personal discipline and individual accountability
  • actively promote employee participation in measures aimed at improving health and safety
  • ensure adherence at all times to the documented operating procedures by monitoring and inspecting our ships and reviewing and reporting on health and safety performance.

Environmental & Energy Policy

Blue Planet Shipping is committed through continuous efforts to improve Environmental and Energy performance in all areas required by the international regulations and laws and Company’s SMS /EEnMS towards a cleaner environment, and to ensure:

  • Pollution prevention that emphasizes source reduction, including necessary funding and human resources, to effectively maintain the onboard systems, equipment and components.
  • Continuous reduction of environmental and energy risks.
  • Sharing information on environmental and energy performance with external stakeholders.
  • Supporting the procurement of Energy Efficient products and services
  • Supporting design activities that consider Energy Performance improvement

The Company’s goal is to achieve ZERO spills and continual improvement to Environmental & Energy Performance.

For achieving this goal, the Company:

  • Complies with all applicable laws, regulations and requirements and applies responsible standards where laws, regulations and requirements do not exist.
  • Responds quickly and effectively to environmental incidents resulting from its operations, in co-operation with industry organizations and authorized government agencies.
  • Assesses all identified risks to the environment and energy, and establishes appropriate safeguards.
  • Shows concern and respect for the environment and energy efficiency, emphasizes every employee’s responsibility in environmental and energy performance and fosters appropriate operating practices and training.
  • Undertakes appropriate reviews and evaluations of its operations to measure progress and to foster compliance with this Policy.
  • Conducts and supports research to improve understanding of the impact of its business on the environment and energy, to improve methods of environmental protection and energy conservation and to enhance its capability to make operations compatible with the environment.
  • Manages its business with the goal of preventing environmental incidents and of controlling emissions and wastes to below harmful levels.
  • Designs, operates and maintains facilities to this end.
  • Shares its experience with others to facilitate improvements in industry performance.

This Policy has the full support of Top Management, is available to the public and applies to all Company’s employees.

Quality Policy

Blue Planet Shipping endeavours to earn the confidence of the shipowners, charterers, seafarers and the marine industry and be recognized as a high quality, trustworthy international ship manager. This can only be achieved by providing flawless services that satisfy all relevant requirements. The Company shall always provide professional ship management services to owners and charterers, protect their interests and assets under its care, and fulfil all their expectations.

The Company:

  • Is committed to always comply with all applicable legal and other requirements that relate to the pertinent hazards and to continually improve the effectiveness of its SMS and QEEnMS.
  • Adopts a proactive approach concerning the needs of its clients and is responsive to their requests, suggestions or complaints, always trying to improve the value of its services.
  • Encourages employee teamwork, personal improvement, cooperation, innovative thinking, initiative, leadership, decisiveness and focus on client’s needs and satisfaction.
  • Sets measurable and meaningful objectives and targets and reviews them when appropriate.

In order to objectively assess its performance, the Company:

  • Establishes criteria for the quality of its services.
  • Monitors, measures and analyses its objectives and targets for continual suitability to verify that processes are effectively implemented.

The SMS & QEEnMS define the methods used to achieve Company’s Policies and the associated objectives and targets. Its implementation ensures that all applicable requirements related to managing ships will be satisfied, thus providing the necessary confidence between the Company and its customers.

The Company’s management considers its SMS and QEEnMS as the basic tool for providing consistent and effective ship management service and improvement, provides sufficient resources and reviews it regularly to ensure its continuous suitability and effectiveness. The management commits itself in active implementation of the SMS and requires all involved personnel to do the same. Every suggestion for improvement will be given full attention and will be brought to the highest level of the management.

All Company’s employees, ashore and at sea, are expected to comply with this policy and work towards achieving Company’s objectives. The success of the Company depends on the commitment and involvement of each individual employee.

This policy is continuously reviewed for its suitability and is available to the public and the Company’s customers, vendors and suppliers.

Drug & Alcohol Policy


In the interest of promoting a healthy working environment and in view of the harmful effects of drugs both directly on the health of the abuser and indirectly on the operation of the vessel, through the abuser’s consequent inability to carry out his duties safely, any incidence of drug abuse and/or possession on board will result in instant dismissal of the person or persons concerned.

Misuse of legitimate drugs or the use, possession, distribution or sale of illicit or unprescribed controlled drugs on board will also result in the instant dismissal of the person or persons concerned.

Personnel will be screened for drug abuse at the time of their employment and subsequently at random intervals in order to ensure a substance-free environment.


While at sea, no member of the crew may ever be under the effects of alcohol to the extent that they are unable to function effectively in an emergency situation even when not on watch.

Blood alcohol content of 40mg/100ml or greater is considered as alcohol impairment. All shipboard personnel must totally abstain from alcohol for at least 4 hours prior to any period of scheduled responsibilities or work periods, including i.e. watch keeping duties, scheduled repairs, maintenance, food preparation etc.

No person should be allowed on board when alcohol impaired.
In US waters, no use of alcohol is permissible.

Human Resources Development

We are committed to employee onboarding and retention. Through the integrated use of training, organization and career development efforts we aim to improve our organizational effectiveness, by developing the key strengths of each individual and ensuring that we are able, at all times, to manage changes and be at the forefront of developments within our industry.

Marine Environment

Our Company is strongly committed to preserving the marine environment and we place the highest importance on building our business in a sustainable and environmentally conscious manner. This culture is embedded throughout our organization and we are constantly monitoring and improving our overall environmental performance.

Blue Planet Shipping is also a founding member of the Thalassa Foundation, a non-profit organisation committed to promoting the conservation and sustainability of the marine environment. Thalassa is currently engaged in the protection and preservation of one of the largest marine parks in Europe, located in the Northern Sporades Islands in Greece.